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Saturday, December 16, 2006 Happy Birthday Alec! Happy 1st Birthday to Alec Lewis....My Nephew.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006 Hi Ho Hi Ho Its a Wandering we go!!! WOOOOHOOOOOOOOO I am so excited about this move. We are going to Houston, TX.......well not technically but almost.....a little town called Katy is where we are goin!!!! Close enough to the city but still far enough away...lol. The company offered and is paying for it all. BONUS!!! LOOK OUT TEXAS>>>>>HERE COME THE NEWFS!!!!!!! Thursday, December 07, 2006 Troll Baby! Troll Baby has been selected as a finalist for Best Parenting Blog right here. Can I just ask that once every 24 hours for the length of the contest, which is 8-10 days, PLEASE GO VOTE FOR MY GIRL!!!!!!!!! Please spread the word any way you know how: on your blog, on message boards, friends...whatever you can manage! We know that it is a busy time of year but we shure would appreciate it!!!!! TANKS!!!!! Friday, December 01, 2006 Yawn |
about I am Mom to Dalton & Chance, Wife to Craig, PROUD Newfie, School Bus Driver, Scrapbooker, Stampin' Up! demonstrator, PSP Addict, Font Queen and Lover of All things Internet and Chocolate! This is my place to ramble on about my thoughts and dreams and just plain foolishness! About Me
I am a mom! It's not what I do....It's who I am! contact Email MzPenny
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links Google News blogroll Angie's WorldCrystalMelody Bear_Is_Grumpy BG Photography Crazy about Rubbah DidgeryDoo Insane Mom of 3 Kids Under 8 My Angels And Me Oh. My. Gawd. Really. Osbasso Rex Goudie Sane Is a 4 Letter Word sheeptalesandkneedlesoup Splitcoast Bloggers The Little Newfies Troll Baby - Crazy/Hip Blog-Mamas+ (Random Site) credits
previously MOVING!!!!!!!!!A Day at the Zoo Happy Birthday Alec! Hi Ho Hi Ho Its a Wandering we go!!! Troll Baby! Yawn Got Time??? Abie & Newf True Newfieness Thanks "D" Man!!!!!!!!! archives |