A Newfie's a Newfie wherever he goes It don't seem to matter the cut of his clothes The gleam in his eyes and the way that he walks And the true Newfie tone in the way that he talks!! I'M STILL JUST A NEWFIE IN A CALGARY HAT!! Leave me a Message! HUGZ!!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

When It Rains it Pours...............

There is no Truer saying than that!!!

As with most people this time of year money is short and time is shorter.....Our funds have about run out and I am quickly running out of time. I have been painting and

Painting and...mmm.....Painting some more. We have laid down laminate flooring in the living room and have enough bought to do the kitchen and dinette, We

have even come up with enough to get a new fridge....that DH didnt really want.....he wanted a new stove. So now after all that something has to go rong right???

yuppers it did....GOOD FOOKIN GRIEF!!

Remember the stove up there^^^Well see.....one of the conditions of getting the fridge was that I have the oven cleaned out before DH got home for Christmas.

Today being the ever faithfull one I decided to clean out the oven. Sprayed it out and left it for a while....got my bucket of water and an old scrub rag.....and.....wait

for it..........TOOK OFF THE OVEN DOOR!!! Biggest damed mistake I ever made. This stove is about 15 years old and aparently quite attached to it's oven door....OMG.

I cleaned out the oven and did a pretty good job too I might add. Then came time for the oven door to go back on......or lack there of....IT WONT FOOKIN LATCH.

Great!!!!!! I am as happy about that as a hippo with a fuckin hernia. I call my brother and he tried so hard for a really long time to no success....actually made it worse I

think....lol. I guess I shoulda listened to DH and got the stove to start with.....lol

So now I gotta call a damed repair man to come in and put my oven door back on.....lol....how friggin lame is that????

Did I mention the fact that I have a migraine to go with this????



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